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Archive for May, 2012

It's done! Visa debt is gone!

May 25th, 2012 at 11:29 am

I've just made the final payment to Visa. Balance is zero. I am so relieved! Thanks for being part of my journey. Happy dance!

Almost done on the Visa

May 22nd, 2012 at 01:39 am

I had a great garage sale. Mostly social, and I missed the dealers, but still made $65. All the dealer stuff (glassware, etc.) is now stored away for next year's sale. I found a loonie today ($1.00 coin for non Canadians). I really need to tally up how much found money I have. I have kept a loose list - will report on that later. Coin counting machines and gas stations seem to be the best for finding money.

I have worked the numbers and plan to have the Visa paid off this Friday. Fingers crossed that I have no surprises. I have my dancing shoes ready for a happy dance.

Tax refund!

May 10th, 2012 at 11:39 pm

I was very surprised to see my tax refund of $908 in my bank account this morning. I transferred most of it to my Visa card, naturally. So my balance is down to $874 - down from over $5K in late December 2011.

I can tell you that I am taking a break in June as soon as this is paid off. Momma needs a new pair of shoes! I've been wearing the same pair for more than 2 years and actually had to duct tape the inside last week. I will likely go out and buy the exact same pair and brand even though they are very expensive. I only have three pairs of shoes - not like it was when I was in my 20's and had purses and shoes in every colour - and matching them as that was the ONLY way to do it at that time.

I can't really express what an amazing sense of relief I feel knowing the Visa will be gone within a few weeks. A huge weight off my shoulders.

More good news!

May 9th, 2012 at 11:54 pm

I did another taste test today for $20, and had a message when I arrived home that they want me to do another one. My income tax return is $908 - only because my DH had medical expenses that can only be claimed under the lowest household income (c'est moi). This means I need $53.80 to meet my goal of paying off the Visa by the end of May (assuming I get my tax return by then). I have been invited to a garage sale this Saturday. I hope my table makes that much. To that end I am ripping art work off the wall to make my target. It's so much easier when I ask myself if I love it. If I don't - into the garage sale bin. Wish me luck. Visa is currently under $2K. I can't wait to celebrate the payoff on this one.