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More good news!

May 9th, 2012 at 11:54 pm

I did another taste test today for $20, and had a message when I arrived home that they want me to do another one. My income tax return is $908 - only because my DH had medical expenses that can only be claimed under the lowest household income (c'est moi). This means I need $53.80 to meet my goal of paying off the Visa by the end of May (assuming I get my tax return by then). I have been invited to a garage sale this Saturday. I hope my table makes that much. To that end I am ripping art work off the wall to make my target. It's so much easier when I ask myself if I love it. If I don't - into the garage sale bin. Wish me luck. Visa is currently under $2K. I can't wait to celebrate the payoff on this one.

1 Responses to “More good news!”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Nice refund. And yes, good luck with your garage sale!!

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