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What happened to my cash flow?

July 25th, 2012 at 12:55 am

You would think that now that I have $100 extra per pay to go toward my remaining debt now that I've paid off Visa that nothing would change with my cash flow. But I'm short this week and was short last week too. I don't mean I can't make my payments, I mean that I can't find the cash to make the extra payments to power pay down my remaining debt. There have been two changes this month that might explain part of it. First, I've started going out every week with a dear old friend, and it's about $32 every other week. And second, now that work is a little more balanced I have time to take a lunch break and have been lazy and buying fairly cheap lunches a couple days a week. Well that adds up. But in the mean time I've looked at my old journals from paying off the last credit card and I see that I was also adding anything I didn't spend (no more parking cost for example) and adding that to pay down the outstanding debt. So where is this cash going? I'm going to do some research in my payment history and see what I can find. Meantime, I have reduced the debt another $200 in the last several weeks. Any suggestions for how I am straying?

4 Responses to “What happened to my cash flow?”

  1. snafu Says:

    The sure-fire way of tracking cash flow is to write down every single spend. Another suggestion is to give yourself a cash allowance. Once the money is gone, so is the spending. A few lunches out, $ 64. visit with friend and a few coffee breaks adds up.

    Taking salad & a few cooked shrimp for lunch is truly refreshing. Deli cheese and quality biscuits makes an enjoyable lunch and each is healthier than restaurant food.

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Snafu, gives great advice. Track everything you spend!

  3. CB in the City Says:

    What they said. We don't know where your money went, but you do! I've tracked every cent for years now and I would feel lost now if I didn't!

  4. wowitsawonderfullife Says:

    Boy, I'm really resisting this tracking idea. Perhaps that means I should try it. Thanks for everyone's input.

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